Feb 28: Chapter 3 draft done and sent

I was on an upswing, but then I had to over exert myself with 2 trips to the airport yesterday. I arranged a friend to drive (wonderful Tina), but my sister missed the connecting flight and so was delayed in Amsterdam for 5 hours. At least Amsterdam is a nice airport to spend time in. Tina had a conflict later, so I went by bus. It meant walking to the last scheduled bus, waiting in the cold, and waiting at the airport for 2 hours (where I worked on reviewing chapter 3 of my dissertation on my laptop). It just got late, and I chatted with my sister in the taxi home and getting her oriented to his place, which irritated my throat.
My sister had some prescription cough meds that were supposed to damper the tickle in the throat. It didn’t work wonders last night. I was up 3 times through the night and this morning (once all sweaty and feverish again, which I thought was over) making a personal steam chamber with the electric hot water kettle, as it was the only way I wouldn’t cough. I turn it on for 2 seconds and off for 20 seconds constantly for 30 minutes or more! It was worth resting my lungs. My sister says this towel draped steam chamber is great, but even better with a teaspoon of Vicks vapor rub in the water, but I’m not going to put this in my tea water kettle! I took a selfie for you to enjoy!
My personal steam chamber
My personal steam chamber
So Anya was tour guide for Elenn, taking her around downtown Sandnes and doing a bit of grocery shopping.
While they were out, I reviewed the last portions of chapter 3 and got it ready to send to Knut and Jean and Marv. In the pre-flu plan, J&M would review first, I would incorporate their critique and corrections, and then send it to Knut. With the lost productivity this week, I had to send it concurrently.
Anya also bought new yarn and is crocheting beautifully! They also brought home a take out pizza to make cooking easy for me. Elenn and I talked and talked, which was so good. Anya crocheted and streamed Les Miserable.
Later we watched YouTube clips and TED.com talks of amazing ideas worth sharing. Here’s the Norwegian bliss classic with his description:

This is day 86 on my full return South Pole Expedition 2011/2012. I’m quite hungry and about to pick up my last cache by my second pulk which I left on the way in. As a part of my motivational plan I have on purpose not made notes on what goodies I have left behind in the cache.. and on this last one, I didn’t expect very much..

The meds seemed to be making a difference during today, but this evening I’m coughing at 50% of the worst.

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