2019.06.09: Inside and Outside

I wish I had a gift of hospitality. I have been on the receiving end mostly here in Sweden, but with a not-so-cozy student apartment, it hasn’t felt very hospitable. Perhaps my introvertedness and lack of capacity of social Swedish tips my desire to be more hospitable into a dormant mode.

My condo is still not very warm and friendly inside either. Here’s the general sense of hand-me-down furniture (except for the ping pong table).

The living room with a touch of IKEA
The kitchen. Too bad I don’t really enjoy cooking.
The dinning area (more IKEA hand me downs)

However, I do have a nice deck, and the previous owners left their deck furniture and grill. So, I invited Eleanor, who teaches in the Semetic languages department (and chair of the department) at the Uppsala University to join my temporary German family for dinner. It was a beautiful evening.

With my German family, we shared waffles on the deck.

Waffles with strawberries and cream
National Day (note the flag); and that’s a big bottle of “kids’ champagne” left over from the farewell party for the German family.

So, we’ve had some nice gatherings on the deck. And I finally figured out how to hang my hammock.

Life is better in a hammock!

Yesterday, I read a few chapters of Robert Alter’s book, The Art of Biblical Poetry.

Today, Sunday, we gathered at the Uppsala cathedral for the ordination of 2 Johannelund students and my boss, James, the rektor of Johannelund. James was ordained in the American Baptist denomination and served as a pastor in the USA, but the Church of Sweden does not recognize that ordination. So as rektor, it was prudent to be re-ordained as a Lutheran. (I don’t like the theology behind this, but finally “they” will let James serve in clergy roles now.)

Lots of pomp and circumstance in the Swedish Lutheran church.

I will grade all day Monday, then have 2 days of faculty meetings and 2 days of an overnight personnel “retreat” that isn’t a retreat. All of these are full of Swedish. Yes, a long week ahead.

With blessings,
