Feb 27: Misery loves email company

Despite my wonder whether I should have droned on and on about my cough yesterday, it did stimulate an email from my friend Matt, from church (whose family is returning to Tanzania this fall). He is suffering from the same cough 9 time zones away. But now, I have someone to pray for in the midst of my discomfort, as it makes me more empathetic with Matt’s. (The Apostle Paul talked about this in 2 Corinthians 1.)

I was able to work from the desk and with a mostly clear head today, and so I was able to be quite productive. I’m so close from finishing the first draft of chapter 3. I was hoping to send it to Jean and Marv 2 days ago and have revisions for Knut by the end of the week if possible or at least by early Monday, when Knut returns from Madagascar. He really needs time to read it though. So, I’m pushing on tonight.

I did take a run to the airport due to the generosity of Tina. However, Elenn missed her connecting flight in Amsterdam. Anya and I arrived at the airport and no Elenn! I hadn’t set up my Norwegian phone to get email, so I tried to start there. It wouldn’t connect. I tried three times, adjusting settings that might help the connection. The 4th try worked to read that she had missed her flight. So, we went back home. I have to catch the last #9 bus at 8:14 to take the 33 minute ride to the airport and wait an hour for Elenn’s plane to arrive. At least I can work on my laptop. Then we’ll take at $60 taxi home.

Now the good stuff:

Anya had a fun time playing indoor field hockey (a contradiction in terms!) with a wiffle ball. She had a blast. Anya actually made a full week of school! Yea!

On the way home, she went to the store and picked up some needed groceries.

But the buzz is this dress. What colors is it?

What colors?
What colors?

Ok, I see them as white and gold. Anya sees them as blue and black. How bizarre.  Here’s more information, that I haven’t taken time to read.


So we had a good conversation over this as well as who we would cast instead of Russell Crowe in Les Mis.

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