Nov. 1: Driver’s permit, gymnastics, and more!

Yes, Anya now has her driver’s permit. Her first lesson is Monday night. It is great that two friends from the Spanish immersion schools and recreation soccer team ended up signing up for the same classes! They are all diligent students, so while it will be fun to be with friends, they won’t be distracted from the lessons.

Yes Anya. All driver's license and permit photos are disappointing!
Yes Anya. All driver’s license and permit photos are disappointing!

This week, I incredulously signed Anya up for gymnastics at her high school. I am flabbergasted that she is interested in this. I discussed it with her several times over the preceding weeks. She has talked with others on the soccer team who do gymnastics and is assured that there are others who have joined with little or no previous experience. I salute her desire to stay active while developing flexibility and strength. I’m still a bit unsure of this, but I support her spirit and courage.

This week I received emails from the new and former rektors at Johannelund, my future employer (if all comes to fruition). It is good to keep connected and know that I’m still on their thoughts!

Speaking of Sweden… This week, I donated my drum set to my church. I’m starting to think of downsizing for the move next summer, and for tax purposes, it makes sense to donate them this year. So, it is a little loss already for the transition, though I really hadn’t been playing since just before Eric’s death in 2010.

That segues into the next item. Thursday was our wedding anniversary. It would have been 20 years. Yet we know that Eric is free, and God has been gracious to us.

On Thursday, I submitted my next major section (Exodus 34:1-9) to my wonderful proofer/editors. Thanks Marv and Mom! You are so wonderful to help in such major way! It takes a community to write a book!

Friday was Halloween. This was the first time that Anya wasn’t able to go around the neighborhood with her friends and their younger siblings. So, it was a bit of a disappointment for her, because she made a beautiful dress for a costume. But she had a great time handing out candy to our five groups or a total of about 20-24 trick-or-treaters that came to our door.

Anya made a dress for Halloween. She's Wendy from Peter Pan!
Anya made a beautiful dress for Halloween. She’s Wendy from Peter Pan!

On Sunday mornings, I often get out for a long walk before showering for church. The fall colors were beautiful. We are so blessed to have green belts close to home. The Wewona Park is a wooded area that many are surprised to discover inside the city limits. It seems like it belongs in the foothills of the mountains with the majestic Western red cedars. I saw a red-headed woodpecker this morning! Last Sunday, I heard an owl. However, I am amazed how many people I see out on a walk but then have their smart phones out.

My lovely fall walk through Wewona Park on Sunday mornings before church.
My lovely fall walk through Wewona Park on Sunday mornings before church.

After church, I went with my friend, Scott, to the UW play, The Cradle will Rock. He was the music director. I had heard about how he had adapted the score to work for this context. It was so masterful that most people never would know that there was a major adaptation. It was great to see a play that was well done, had an important message of how money is power that can corrupt much of society, and was connected to a friend. The first time the play was performed–on the same day as being locked out of one theater–was in 1937. Today in attendance, was an 83-year-old man, who saw the play when he was 5 years old. After the performance, he talked a bit with the cast and Scott.

Scott and the cast met an original attendee from the 1938 play after the show.
Scott and the cast met an original attendee from the 1938 play after the show.

This week, I’m working on Numbers 14:1-39–consequences for not trusting God! The texts always move me deeply, so we’ll see what happens!

With blessings,


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