May 3, 2016: A celebration of God’s faithfulness

After the defense, there was a dinner and celebration hosted by my friends, Marta and Kjell, in their home.

Friends and colleagues at the wonderful celebration
Friends and colleagues at the wonderful celebration

Because my two external defense committee members has early flights out the next morning, they said–with apologies–that they were only going to stay an hour or so, thus the celebration started with the sharing of words. (They actually stayed over 3 hours!) Words are one of the love languages that I receive, so this was a special gift.

Rebecca, my host here in Norway and the PhD coordinator, started with some words about the defense. She announced that my trial lecture and defense (disputatio) has been approve by the committee. So, I am “doctora designata” pending the official “creation” of my doctorate by the board of my university. So, I guess I’m on a probationary status!

Rebecca continued with a few quotes from the defense. The first was my quote of my adviser, Knut, who encouraged me after a frustrating mid-way defense last June. I had classical biblical scholars who didn’t understand my project. Knut reflected, “We [with our intercultural work] will never be in the center of the discipline but on the margins. But what is the difference between the margins and the cutting edge.”

The second quote was my metaphor for my mid-way evaluation. “I did jazz dance before classical ballet critics. No matter how good–or still developing–my jazz dance is, it is bad ballet.”

Ballet San Jose School Student


I appreciate ballet with its traditions, discipline, and beauty, but that’s not my dance. So, Rebecca riffed on this. Because I’m doing jazz dance, so therefore, I have a great jazz dance instructor, Knut! We were all laughing at pushing this metaphor include Knut! Of course, he is a great mentor!

Knut also said some kind words, and was in good form with his dry wit. In Norway, there is a strong value of egalitarianism, so that no universities have caps and gowns, as that would elevate them above the rest. So, no academic regalia for me. Thus, Knut thought that he should provide one related to my project–a Maasai shuka (blanket)! And then in his hilarious delivery, he pulled one out for each of the defense committee in recognition of the intercultural connections.

Me with my adviser and my defense committee celebrating the intercultural Maasai and Western connections.
Me with my adviser and my defense committee celebrating the intercultural Maasai and Western connections.

So, for all my Maasai friends, you were with us in spirit in Norway yesterday.

The celebration continued with dinner, where I had nice conversations with my defense committee members. What a nice way to wrap up this journey.

The cakes were wonderful too!

A Norwegian cake buffet
A Norwegian cake buffet

Marta ordered a special cake with Swedish congratulations as a nod to the upcoming move to Sweden (and she’s going to come and visit!).

A special cake with Swedish blessings
A special cake with Swedish blessings

So, it was an amazing day, where I was able to live into it and also enjoy it. Thanks for all the prayers that I felt as I was carried through the day with an amazing centeredness and calm, which grew into gratefulness and celebration of God’s faithfulness.

With blessings,


2 thoughts on “May 3, 2016: A celebration of God’s faithfulness”

  1. Wow, and again I say, WOW! And Praises to God, and Kudos, and Hongera to the one the Holy Spirit has used to bring glory to God!!!
    We have been reading and following and praying, but we’ll be eager to hear more and welcome you back to Bellevue (since your ‘home’ center is currently in transition, eh?). Call when you get near a pick-up time at baggage claim. We will be at my brothers which is about 7-8 min away, depending on traffic. Much love, and one last WHOOPEE!!!!

  2. Beth, this has been an amazing, exciting, humbling journey to be on with you! Thank you for taking the time to POST these thoughts and feelings while you are in the midst of this wild ride. To God be the glory, great things He has done! Amen, sister! Amen!

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