May 23: Tea with Tina

Today was laundry and working on the curse section of my dissertation. Some things are coming together better, at least from my perspective. But I may be missing things. I was reminded of this when I walked up to Tina’s house for some tea.

The archway to Tina's garden
The archway to Tina’s garden with wonderful Tina

Tina submitted her PhD dissertation just about a week ago. So, I asked her how she was feeling. Her response was that the first moments were great. There was a tremendous sense of completion of a project that started in about October 2011. But then she said she started to second guess herself.

I can relate to the second guessing. Each source means a question of accurate understanding, and am I missing crucial sources that somehow I have not been introduced to. Each paragraph is a question of the logical progression, substantive content and quality of explanation. Each day there are a plethora of these questions. So, it is so great to have an excellent adviser and friends like Tina who are caring and supportive in this weird journey. I figure that all this work will go into a book that less than 10 people will probably read, and most of those 10 have to for the project!

It was good to get out with an afternoon of sunshine. At times there was a chill in the wind, so I kept my jacket on. I brought some garden gloves and helped her plant some things she bought for some pots.

Flowers for Tina
Flowers for Tina

Her mom lives a few blocks away and had Tina’s youngest son with her for a while, but then she stopped by. Her son was enjoying the garden and tasting some herbs. I tried my best Norwegian in a greeting or two, but he probably has more English than I have Norsk.

Hugs on the birthday bench
Hugs on the birthday bench

Behind the bench is a grill house that is like an enclosed gazebo. The flowering vine is chock full of blossoms with a few welcoming the spring.

Anya is off to Oda’s house tonight for the televised Eurovision competition. They are having a party and making an evening of it.

Off to get the laundry out of the dryer and fold some clothes.

With blessings,


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