June 30: Bergren to Sandness

Yes, we’ve been out seeing BEAUTIFUL Norway. The next few days will have reflections and some photos of highlights of the stunning beauty. Here, I will address our last day.

Yesterday, we boarded the Hurtigruten ship called the MS Kong Harald (Kong = King in Norsk), which with a Roman numal V is the current King of Norway.

MS Kong Harald
MS Kong Harald

If you look to the right of the large ramp, you will see a row of room window in the white row just on top of the red windows.

Our room was on the white row of sindows to the immidiate right of the loading ramp.
Our room was on the white row of windows to the immediate right of the loading ramp.

This is the view from our window.

The ramp is closing.
The ramp is closing.

This means that despite the ear plugs, I was awakened during 3 of the 4 overnight cargo loading/unloading times. My iPhone decibel meter hit a 92 dbl in our cabin upon the closing of the ramp doors.

However, it was a beautiful journey from Tronheim to Bergen. I would recommend the trip. We saw stunning vision, sometimes so close to the rocks it was amazing.

This is a deep channel, but the closeness of the rocks is deceptive!
This is a deep channel, but the closeness of the rocks is deceptive!

We arrived in Bergen, and walked very quickly to our first night hotel, the Thon Hotel Bristol Bergen, because Anya left her iPhone there the first day on the reception area couches. It was kept safe for her! We were relieved to pick it up! So, my deepest commendations for the Thon Hotel Bristol in Bergen! (They also had the best bacon of our journey!)

Then we walked very quickly to catch our bus to Stavanger. We had seats on the 3:45 bus and arrived at 3:30. We ended up taking the 4:15 bus, which was a direct bus to Stavanger, and so would arrive a bit earlier than the 3:45 bus. All went well. This is a beautiful drive with snow capped mountains in the distance, and fjord views that deserve to be in coffee table books. We had two ferry rides that had picturesque views on a calm night at sea.

I can't say beautiful enough times!
I can’t say beautiful enough times!

Then we hopped on the city bus to Sandnes and was home at about 10 pm.

What a full trip with so much that we saw in natural beauty, architecture, history, and art. Come back and get the more highlights.

With blessings (but glad to be home),


2 thoughts on “June 30: Bergren to Sandness”

  1. So glad you are home! My days have been incomplete without reading a new blog from my good friend. 🙂 Yay!

  2. Hi, Beth–

    Pam and I have enjoyed reading about some of your recent travel and the beautiful warmer weather in the area. Know that we are especially remembering you and Anya, as you leave your study in Norway and travel to Africa.



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