Feb 23: Didn’t leave the house

I think this is the first day that I didn’t leave the house. Now, previously, I had spent all day in the house, but at least I put shoes on to walk the eight steps to the mailbox. Today, Anya didn’t want me to walk her to school, and she got the mail when she came home.

It was probably good to be inside as I have developed a sore throat and cough. I guess I get to use up the Norwegian cough syrup that Anya wouldn’t touch!

Anya is back to school. A friend had looked on line how to be welcoming to Americans. One item was don’t swear in front the Americans. I don’t have much to compare with between average American and Norwegian conversation, but this is good.

I spent most of the day going over my 54 pages of mostly single spaced transcriptions from the 2012 interviews with my Maasai research participants. This review with a fine-toothed comb helped me add specifics and broaden the sources for what I had drafted–and revised and revised and revised. I’m in one of the most spiral writing projects of my life. The hope is that at the end, it still has a sense of linear progression through the argumentation!

Tomorrow, I’ll go through the 2013 interviews in the same way, as it seems to work; it is thorough though slow. I guess that is good for the process. Fortunately, I’ll have Jean’s and Marv’s critiques and then Knut’s final weigh in, to help me understand how to revise it again!

I have some summary charts too, but I’m not sure if they will be utilized. I’ll let Knut give guidance.

Three tangential tidbits:

1) The Norsk word for the day is gjennom (YEh-nom, or how I hear it) which means “through,” as through the street or through the mud puddle

2) What is the product in these cans?

What's inside?!?
What’s inside?!?

On dog food cans, you find dogs. On cat food cans, you find cats. What’s in these cans?

3) I counted at least 3 hail storms today, then multiple times of rain and multiple times of blue sky!

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