Apr 28: Plodding and Braids

I’m plodding along on my paper. I was the tortoise today, keeping on keeping on, but not covering a lot of ground. I did realize that I have some appendices that I will add, which will take up some word count. (Yipee!) These are documents related to the qualitative research to demonstrate that I followed the proper protocols for research with humans.

There is one interpretive issue that was resolved today. I thought I was going to be a little stuck through my own confusion. Then I realized that I wasn’t as confused as I thought I was, and I learned something in the process.

I do have moments of overwhelmedness. I try to switch to another task that I can work on and come back when I’m not so overwhelmed. I just have to keep saying, “I think I can.” And I’m glad that so many are praying and encouraging me.

I thought you might like to see that Knut’s Maasai research project was featured in this month’s newsletter.

A nice spread on Knut's research project
A nice spread on Knut’s research project

Here’s the blurb about me.

How's your Norsk?
How’s your Norsk?

So, I got some ink too!

My major accomplishment for the day was doing a braid in Anya’s hair. She had to walk me through the steps too many times, but eventually I got it. What do you think!?!

The braid has a longer name that I can remember.
The braid has a longer name that I can remember.

With blessings,


3 thoughts on “Apr 28: Plodding and Braids”

  1. The braid looks great! A plus! When you come back to Bellevue, I’ll have you braid my hair.

  2. Hi, Beth–

    This is simply a word of encouragement to “keep putting one foot in front of the other,” as you continue to work on Chapter 4 and the methodology issues of your dissertation.

    You are making progress and you can finish this dissertation.

    Best wishes for good travel and your interview in Sweden.


  3. Anya’s braid is lovely. You did a great job!

    I am in awe of your work on your dissertation and all the obstacles you have overcome and have yet to face! You are doing all of the above with grace, determination and you WILL get through it and be sooo very proud of yourself. You will be the second Doctor Elness in the family! What a joy that will be as friends and family around the world cheer your accomplishments. Your “Elness side” is coming through loud and clear, also! Perseverance, frugality, hard, hard work are so evident in your blog. I think Anya has an Elness side, too. I am soooooooo impressed with her “stick-to-itiveness,” not giving up and taking on huge challenges just like her parents did and are doing. She probably doesn’t remember us but give both yourself and her a BIG hug from us. We are so proud of both of you!
    Rand and Connie

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