2017.06.30 (the second June 30): Getting on the time zone

Yesterday’s post had a date of June 30 also, because I was looking at the date on my laptop that was still set to Swedish time! It was actually a very long June 29.

Anya is usually not too good at adjusting to time zones. (Jean, remember South Africa?) Some will say it is easier going west–with the sun. I think I’ve heard others say it is easier going east. For me it depends upon how much I’m in a sleep deficit and how much I have to push myself to get adjusted due to whatever responsibilities await my arrival. I try to get out walking in the sun in the late afternoon as well, when my body wants to collapse and sleep.

This time, I think the excitement of the Mall of America got Anya going. I had to keep up–a bit. I actually went to the Starbucks in the Barnes and Noble and worked on my lesson prep. However, I did drag Anya to a Duluth Trading store where I knew I could get women’s pants with proper pockets. Even my Levi’s jeans have front pockets so small, I can only fit a credit-card holder sized billfold as the pockets extend only 3.5 inches (9 cm) deep. Yup, great pockets. I even found in the clearance section a pair of pants I wanted that are no longer made, and 1 left in my size. Whoo hoo!

Anya and I did start a list of the things we appreciate about being back in the USA.

  • English! We can order in English. Instructions are in English. I don’t have to feel guilty about talking English!
  • Minnesota nice. Just walking to the car from the WMPL house, we passed a couple who smiled and said hi! They actually talked to strangers! Rarely will you get a smile from a stranger while walking by, but a “hi” is unheard of in Uppsala.
  • Free bathrooms in stores! Even in the malls in Uppsala and Stockholm, the bathrooms are not free!

But the best part of the day was seeing a group of amazing people here at the WMPL guest house. There is a consultation regarding the mission hospital in Pakistan. Many of the former staff are here, along with the current director, a Pakistani. My sister drove in to join them. My former missions teacher, Pat is here. Some of you would know Jan K and Annetta D. They were also joined by the Koski’s, who are wise and experienced in administration and its special challenges in the developing world. With the other WMPL staff (like Dan R), I was in the midst of a great cloud of witnesses! Amazing people!

With blessings,


One thought on “2017.06.30 (the second June 30): Getting on the time zone”

  1. Was just in MN for LEM Reunion and got to visit with Koskis and Dan R briefly. Glad Pat could make it. What a brain and Spirit trust! And to think we call them ‘friends in Christ’!

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