2017.06.23-25: Midsommar and International Fika

Midsommer is a national holiday! Anya and I were invited over to our friends’ home for Midsommar celebrations on Friday. Lennart, the Swede, and Donna, the American who has lived here for 30 years, also invited another American and Swedish married couple, who have been friends for those 30 years. The gracious welcome is so appreciated.

Silltorte or herring cake was the featured entré. I enjoyed the homemade rhubarb-lemonade.

After lunch, we went to the old farm museum where there was dancing around the Maypole.

Yes, I danced! It was great fun!
A girl in our circle dance!
The musicians kept us going, with a microphoned young woman leading the singing.

The crowd was quite multi-cultural, as many were there checking out Swedish cultural experience. We watched the serious dancers, looked at the old museum houses and furnishings, and ate some waffles in our mostly sunny afternoon.

They tell me this is lutefisk in its preserved state!

Then we went back to Donna and Lennart’s for dinner, followed by my chocolate cake. I left home at 10:30 p.m. and bicycled home with a little misty rain in the decreasing light, but it still was not yet dusk. A good day.

Saturday was laundry and preparations for my week of Bible studies (July 3-7) at Mount Carmel family camp in Alexandria, Minn. Fortunately, the afternoon weather allowed for some reading in the hammock on the balcony.

I was off to do a little exercise at the gym before a shower for Sunday morning worship. I arrived at the gym an hour before church started, but the gym is a stone’s throw away from the church. I saw a faithful member, who is in a wheelchair, waiting at the door. Because it was sunny, I offered to let her in, as the church is connected to Johannelund, so I have access. After I let her in, I said that I would be back (in my limited Swedish, as she is not an English speaker). I figured that I should shower for church, but I opted not to exercise. I didn’t want her to be alone for an hour. I have been on the receiving side of kindness, so I know that a little kindness is more important than my exercise agenda for this morning. As I arrived back to church, I let her in, and a few others arrived at that time. I also ended up sitting with another young woman and listed to her part of her story. She is dealing with some fear and some health issues. Please include Hanna (not her real name) in your prayers.

After church, I saw my new Chinese friends and invited them for fika. I included a couple Estonian friends, and Donna and Lennart. Most of the chocolate cake from Midsommer was left, and it was a perfect way to share it. I moved the ping pong table and gathered all the chairs in the living room. We were mostly talking in English, but with some translation to Estonian and Mandarin.

It sounds like we will have some homemade Chinese dumplings after our return from the USA! Kathi and Mark, the Chinese are eager to meet you, after I told them about you!

So, we are blessed by friends and find ways to be a blessing.

With blessings,



One thought on “2017.06.23-25: Midsommar and International Fika”

  1. Not sure about that lutefisk!! Looks like dead skinned cat, to me.
    We rejoice in your friendships and outreach! Give a call next week after you land in MN at Mt. Carmel. Prayers and love.

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