2017.03.26-28: Sunny but busy

On Sunday, Uppsala was the warmest spot in Sweden.

The reading is inaccurately high with the direct sun, but it actually hit 66 degrees!

No wonder I’m smiling!

A nice sunny, Sunday afternoon on our little balcony.

Monday was sunny too and reached 64 degrees. So, in the afternoon, the students were outside.

Soaking in the rays! (The view from my office window.)

Then they got out the volleyball in a fun gathering. And I thought, “What would Jean do?”

Yup, I joined them!

I got my gym shoes out of my bag and went to join them for a mid-afternoon break. It was fun, and I think they thought it was fun that I joined them for a few minutes. However, when I told Anya, she was mortified!

I’ve been busy preparing for a session on online learning that I’m facilitating this Wednesday afternoon. This is kind of strange, because I have never taken an online course, been formally trained in online pedagogy, and have only had minor roles co-teaching in a course that had minimal online aspects. However, I am asking questions, so I’ve been invited to facilitate a conversation. That I can do.

I have been reading online pedagogy books and researching things to try to bring out important issues to discuss. I am actually going to be demonstrating collaborative classroom learning techniques (this is my passion) to discuss online pedagogy issues! In reality, I am bringing a little (hopefully gracious) critique of what is being done now, so it may not be so straight forward. I’m also going to advocate for sustaining our “brand” which has focused on a learning community (online things started 3 years ago). Pray that it goes well.

One other part of today was a tutoring session for students writing their bachelor’s degree thesis. One is writing in English, in preparation for an application to a UK master’s program. He had previously provided a draft of a section (prior for departing for a 10-day course in Ethiopia). I carefully proofed, edited, and gave some recommendations for it. It is really difficult to write in another language that isn’t your mother tongue. My American colleague, who is excellent in Swedish, says that he sounds 20% stupider when writing in Swedish.

I know that even writing in English, my mother tongue, I sounded less stupid thanks to Marv’s generous editing (with help from some others, like Jean and my mom).

With blessings,


One thought on “2017.03.26-28: Sunny but busy”

  1. Absolutely, I’d join them!! You go, girl!
    I remember visiting in Finland one spring while on a sabbatical, and the temp hit high 60s. The parks, streets, plazas were teeming with people; all out to catch some rays! But still drinking hot, strong coffee!

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