2016.11.18: New wheels!

Don’t get too excited. It really should be “new tires.”

My Swedish class in the morning had an oral exam. It went OK, but I still have a long way to go. Prior to the exam, my teacher did call me “duktig” (clever), but I am working very hard and it takes me a lot of time using a lot of resources. I’m not sure how duktig I’ll be on the final exam.

One conversation question was “What is happiness.” My conversation partners have some pretty sarcastic humor. One said that there is no happiness. Another said that in Finland they have a saying that if your happy, then hide it. The other responded his country’s version of this was that you can show happiness for three seconds. I understand that beyond three seconds, it is arrogant or bragging. I replied that happiness was having good relationships with God and with others. They know I’m a Christian, even apologizing for some crude language, but it is not a hindrance to the connections. We get along quite well. They continue to come and sit by me in class, as I’m usually one of the earliest ones in the classroom.

The next question was, “What can one do to be happy.” The answers were pretty basic, like having animals, one’s work, and others with a bit of sarcasm. I replied “help others”. The teacher was there when I answered. She knows that I taught at a girls school in Africa from a previous writing assignment. I have no clue what reflections this might stimulate, but it was sincere regardless of being different.

On the way biking home from my Swedish class, I made two stops. First, to Clas Ohlson. I found what I wanted.

I'm ready for Praying with Color and Keys!
200 colored pencils! I’m ready for Praying with Color and Keys!

I’m preparing for chapel (called morning prayer) on Monday. I’ll be doing something probably quite different for this place. I’ll be facilitating a “Praying with Color” session. Let’s see how it goes!

Then, I stopped at the recommended bike shop. They don’t take appointments for getting the studded tires. They said it was a 2 hour process at that time, so I could come back at 3 and pick it up. I figured I should get it done. So, I left my bike and walked about 20 minutes home. I got both the laundry done and new tires on my bike.

Pretty cool, huh!
Pretty cool, huh!
My $140 investment in safer biking in the winter.
My $140 investment in safer biking in the winter

The expense is probably less than 2 months of gas when I was commuting in the USA, so I’m way below my transportation costs here (especially due to a donated bike), I’m healthier, and I have a greener footprint. I actually bought the more expensive tires with more studs. I said that I’m old and it would take so long to heal from a bike accident. This is a good investment in my health.

Kathi, shall I bring some studded bike tires to the USA at Christmastime? You can pick them up on your next trip to the USA? Just let me know what size tire.

It’s going to be a full work weekend. I teach again on Monday morning.

With blessings,


3 thoughts on “2016.11.18: New wheels!”

  1. Wow, those tires look ‘mean’ and ‘monster’ sized!!! I’ve never seen anything like those. Don’t be running over any cats or feet with those hummers!!

    And I commend you on being ‘clever’. . . it will serve you well!!

  2. And Josee would be so pleased to see those colored pencils. . . had coffee with Sue Houglum yesterday, speaking of Keys, and she said to greet you.

  3. Wow! Thanks for the offer but I’ll pass. I think I’ll try to source them in Ch*na. Maybe they make them for people in the North. You are rocking Sweden like a Boss!
    How long will you be home at Christmas? We’re thinking of buying an around the world ticket home next summer. Will you be in Sweden in July?

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