2016.10.18: Un-Swedish

Morning fika has a typical Swedish birthday cake, a princess cake, celebrating the birthday of a colleague.

A green fondant covering with layers of creamy filling is very Swedish.
A green fondant covering with layers of creamy filling is very Swedish.

Everyone stands and sings a Swedish birthday song. Then, the Swedish way of sharing the cake is not to cut it all and pass the plates around. You pass the cake around, and every one cuts a piece–just enough to have enough for everyone. “Just enough” is a very Swedish concept which translates as “lagom.”

After a Swedish start, my un-Swedishness punctuated the rest of the day.

I got a call at the morning fika telling me that my delivery would happen at noon. I told my colleagues that I have a piece of furniture being delivered at noon, and I could use some help. Then I divulged that my furniture was a ping pong table. I’m not sure they know what to do with me! This is not very Swedish, but Anya and I decided to forego the traditional living room while we are here and put the priority on something to do together as well as make a fun place for friends. The table does fold up, so we can roll it to the side of the room if needed. Anya is already planning a Thanksgiving dinner on it! Hmm, where will I get a big enough table cloth!

So, two colleagues came to the rescue and carried the heavy sides up the stairs as my back yard tree house demolition in June provoked some tendonitis which is aggravated by typing, unpacking, grocery shopping, hauling luggage, sometimes biking, etc. Thus, I’m grateful for these two coworkers who were willing to help.

Gunnar and Hans navigate the spiral staircase.
Gunnar and Hans navigate the spiral staircase.
A job well done and a grateful Beth!
A job well done and a grateful Beth!

After a quick lunch, I returned to work. The word is out that the ping pong table has arrived. I sense that this is seen as a bit quirky but fun, as well as a good thing to have with teenagers around.

The evening was spent assembling it, and then playing ping pong!

Whoo hoo! Finally!
Whoo hoo! Finally!
There is 43 inches of clearance at both ends. Not bad for a student apartment!
There is 43 inches of clearance at both ends. Not bad for a student apartment!

So, come on by for some ping pong!

A few follow-up notes:

  • Marv, thanks for reminding me to check the heater under the 110 charging station. Currently (pun intended), there is no heat in the radiator, but I have a plan for another place now that I’ve rearranged some things for the ping poing table.
  • Marv again: The drawer is a fiberboard, but not IKEA. It looks like a 1950’s or 60’s build cupboard and counter. They are like the ones I had in my 1956 Lake Hills home before the kitchen remodel. (Yes, I miss my pull out drawers and shelves!) I’ll work on a small brace along the front lip as you suggested.
  • Kathi, I see the 220 v Roombas here, and the 25% sales tax may be able to be reimbursed (though I have difficulty getting the Global Blue refunds to work for me). So, when you come to visit, leave room in your suitcase!!!

With blessings,


3 thoughts on “2016.10.18: Un-Swedish”

  1. Ping Pong tables are good for all sorts of things besides ping pong: cutting out dress patterns, jigsaw puzzles, assembling handouts for students, serving buffet fika, etc. Don’t Swedes play ping pong? I thought you’d have a line up wanting to come play!! 43″ is not a lot of clearance, but certainly playable! It might ruin your stroke long-term, however!!!!

  2. I totally agree with Jean! No way could a Chinese play under those conditions. Have you seen how far away from the table they stand?! We’ll see about that Roomba! Maybe I’ll have to consider a step down converter from the states(although I’m loathe to give up so much weight allowance). You are indeed a crazy, quirky American and just what that school needed!

    1. Yes, they are pretty amazing! When we get that good, we will be frustrated then (if ever).

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