July 1: Wrapping up Maasai Research Group time together

I had a package waiting for me at the post, so morning tasks included a walk to the post office to sign for the package. I helped secure a copy of Die Masai for Dr. Parsalaw, Vice Chancellor at Makumira Seminary. I will bring it to him in Tanzania later this month.

My wonderful adviser, Knut, had a final dinner together for all of the Maasai and African biblical interpretation students. So, I took the bus into Stavanger on the warmest day of the year. It reached the mid-70s on a beautiful day.

A panorama shot of central Stavanger on this beautiful day.
A panorama shot of central Stavanger on this beautiful day.

His wife, Berly, is a gracious hostess, and she was so kind to send the left over meringue and creme “cake” home for Anya. Berly knew that Anya swooned over the last left over piece. Yes, Anya enjoyed it again! Berly has said she’ll share the recipe with me, but it may be dangerous to have it!

Berly's luscious cake
Berly’s luscious cake

Knut had a time sharing some Hassidic proverbs and teachings. He is also known for interesting stories and humor. He is a blessing to us all.

Part of our Maasai and African biblical interpretation group out on Knut's deck
Part of our Maasai and African biblical interpretation group out on Knut’s deck

We had a nice time of conversation and then good byes. I’m not sure I’ll see Alemu again before he returns to Ethiopia. Our projects have some similar themes, and we were enriched by talking together. It is probable that he will end up teaching at the seminary in Addis. Perhaps when I am in Sweden, I’ll get a chance to visit him, as Johannelund has a long-term relationship with the Mekane Yesus church in Ethiopia.

Knut drove us home, including me back to campus. This provided a time of debrief of our time here in Stavanger and the reviewing our next connection in Atlanta in November at the Society of Biblical Literature conference. He then came in and said goodbye to Anya with kind words and well wishes.

I have high regard and deep appreciation for Knut’s supervision. What a blessing!

More on our recent travels tomorrow!

With blessings,
